How to activate monthly charge of Duplicate Finder - WebAppsLive

Dear Merchants, In this video I have explained how to activate the monthly charge of the Duplicate Finder app on Shopify stores. After activation of charge then you can use app tools to delete duplicate records from the app itself. You can also export the duplicate records data on spreadsheets after activation of its monthly charge. if your eShop is created on a different platform other than Shopify and you want to use same tool for your eShop, then you can contact us by visiting following website and then click on contact link. Our representative will help you in making your e-shop related tasks easy by suggesting correct app tool for your store. Our website address: Direct link to install from Shopify app store is: Detail page on WebAppsLive is: In the previous video I have explained that how to install "Duplicate Finder" app and how easily you can use it as a free user. Previous Chapter 1: Learn how to install & use it free Next Chapter 3: Learn how to use "one by one" tool of duplicate finder app to delete records one by one. Watch our tour & travel cute memories Best wishes

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