Duplicate Finder

Improve SEO health of your Shopify store

Find and delete duplicate records in Shopify store. Find duplicate product titles, find duplicate SKUs, find duplicate barcodes of your Shopify store.

Why to install?

This plugin/ app had saved a great time of those merchants who had uploaded their data repeatedly on Shopify store by mistake. If you are also a merchant who had uploaded duplicate records by mistake on your Shopify store, then you must try this app. If you will use this app then you will be able to find the list of duplicate records present in your catalog. By using this app you will be able to delete all duplicate records. You will also be able to export list of all duplicate records of your Shopify store catalog.

Easy to use: To use this app you need not to have any coding knowledge. Just after installation and after syncing of data, you will be able to find duplicate records.

Free facility available: Before purchasing any paid plan, you can view list of duplicate records on app screen itself.

What are the main facilities of this app?

If you will install this app, then you will be able to do following things in very easy manner. Main facilities of app are as like given below.

Find & Delete

Duplicate Titles

Find & Delete

Duplicate SKU

Find & Delete

Duplicate Barcodes


All Duplicate Records

Who can use this app?

This app can be used by merchants who are running their ecommece shops on shopify plateform. But don't worry if your store is created on any other platform then we can provide you the similar app/ plugin as suitable for your store's platform, for that contact us and send us details of your requirements.

What is shopify?

This is an app developed for those merchants who are running their ecommerce shops on Shopify plateform. If you do not know about Shopify plateform, then let us tell you something about Shopify. Shopify is a very easy tool for merchants who wants to run their shops online. If you will start your shop using Shopify then you will need not to have a knowledge about coding. You have to just create an account and then just have to do the setup. Click here to start

Install This App Free.

There is no cost on just installation of this app. Users are also allowed to use its demo part free of cost.

Click to Install

Enter your Shopify Store URL

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